TrueFood Hydroponic

Why Choose TrueFood Hydroponic Produce?

TrueFood is Found at the Intersection of Nature, Technology and Logistics

Clean, Natural, Sustainable Farming Practices - Herbicide & Pesticide Free

Our indoor TrueFood greenhouse is designed to lower the potential of pests endangering our plants, meaning pesticides and herbicides aren’t necessary. We use cutting edge technology to create a system that is highly controlled, making it unnecessary to use pesticides or herbicides. It’s true that hydroponic systems do not completely eradicate pest issues, but we chose to use natural resources, such as ladybugs, to fight our battles. In addition, to protect the plants we place nutrient solutions into the water to ensure the uptake is through the roots of the plant itself instead of spraying on the plant leaves, allowing the plant to absorb and process what it needs.

Water use is also more efficient in a hydroponic system, using 1/10 of the amount of water a plant requires in a soil environment. In a hydroponic system, water is captured and reused rather than drained into the environment.

Data Driven Growing and Nutrient Control Through Technology

Starting with research and fine-tuning for each location, we define the optimum growing condition for each plant. Then utilizing a sophisticated computer system and sensors for rain, wind, humidity, sun radiation, and light both inside and outside the greenhouse, we set all of the floor and space heat, wet walls for humidity, light intensity, shade cloths, water nutrient recipes, leaf sensors, light sensors and ideal water root temperatures to create the best nutrient and environment to achieve plants that taste amazing and are loaded with all the goodness when they grow in such ideal conditions.

Focusing on the Logistics of Growing Local = Tastiness Guaranteed

One of our secrets to serving communities with fresh, clean, delicious produce is focusing on logistics. By building greenhouses close to your grocery stores, schools, and farmers markets, we can deliver our products from the farm to your table quickly without needing to genetically modify for longer shelf lives. We guarantee that you’re getting the freshest produce that tastes incredible.

Serving Local Communities

One of our top priorities is serving the local communities by employing local farmers and ensuring we deliver the best quality produce to residents.

Combination of Years of International Hydroponic Growing & Logistics Expertise

The combination of experience that our founders, Darren and Brian Barkman, have in the hydroponic farming and logistics industries sets TrueFood apart. Darren started his international hydroponic growing career many years ago, building upon his traditional farming knowledge from years prior, and Brian Barkman has been a leader in the logistics industry, running several successful companies.